
Verdentum’s technology is versatile: giving organizations a suite of tools they need to launch global projects, connect and coordinate teams, track impact, monitor and evaluate efforts and report with ease. Real-time reporting and analytics become easy, despite the size and scale of projects. With the power of information, organizations, executives and individuals have the capability to make faster, better decisions – ultimately increasing efficiency and impact.

Verdentum Pro

Launch, coordinate, and track impact on global projects, advocacy campaigns, and volunteer efforts. With an easy to use mobile app and site, which feel like a social-network, helps mid-sized projects find a new life, record their work, and establish progress. Staff and volunteers can easily upload data and visual evidence from even the most remote locations using a mobile phone. Coordinate volunteers in 50 countries, get detailed analytics and reports, track impact on projects, and so much more.

  • Launch, track, and coordinate international and national level projects requiring detailed reporting
  • Multiple management layers, allowing you to coordinate teams at various levels
  • Customizable analytics, graphs, and more
  • Customization of year end reports/semi-annual reports
  • Allows you to display data, analytics, and graphs on your web-site
  • Tailored server possibilities & settings
  • Integration with major MIS & ERP solutions
  • Artificial intelligence features to read and sift through large amounts of information.
  • Customizable mobile application and fields
  • Enhanced location-tracking possibilities and drone integration