AF Ecology Center

Accion Fraterna, Ananthapur, India

Accion Fraterna, Ananthapur, India, is one of India’s leading non-profit organizations. Accion Fraterna is using Verdentum to coordinate and collect data on a Sustainable Agriculture Program that is impacting the lives of approximately 30,000 farmers in one of the most drought prone rural areas in India. The Accion Fraterna Sustainable Agriculture Program seeks to empower farmers through education on drought mitigation technology and systems. They have more than 70 activities, ranging from recording the number of farmers who have attended meetings at higher levels to the demonstrations of various technologies—all tracked on Verdentum technology.

Accion Fraterna's employees are using Verdentum to upload data through their phones on all of their 70+ activities as they are happening, providing unimaginable efficiency. Just a few of the benefits:

  • Real time data for better decision making
  • A complete visual story of everything happening in the program
  • Going green and saving time in delivering reports to the head office
  • Better connectivity between teams and an ‘overall picture’ for all employees
  • Completely digital data
  • Transparency & accountability