Our Story.
Verdentum works with leading international institutions, non-profits, and grass-roots organizations in 45+ countries. Our goal is to make impact measurement easy for everyone – from large organizations to the smallest volunteer groups. You can find highlights from our journey below.
(Timeline Below.)

Speaking about Verdentum at the United Nations, with an audience of educators, diplomats and UN staff.

Verdentum's team shares the platform and insights on tech for impact at the 1st UNHABITAT General Assembly in Nairobi, Kenya

Verdentum’s team meets with farmers & field staff in Ananthapur, India for project implementaiton.

Verdentum's Founder meets with Dr. Akinwumi Adesina, President of the African Development Bank Group and discusses Verdentum's work in the agriculture and development sectors.

Verdentum supports youth-driven COVID-19 efforts
Verdentum partners with the CYC once again. Verdentum's technology is helping launch, coordinate and track impact on a COVID-19 response grant program aimed at providing financial support to volunteering efforts from Commonwealth countries. Volunteers across the Commonwealth have connected through the app and are working to mitigate the impact of the pandemic on vulnerable communities.
SADL Project takes off
Verdentum Pro is used by AF Ecology to track projects that provide livelihood and security to 66,000 rural households living under extreme drought situations in 230 villages in the Anantapur district of Telangana, India. The project, named Sustainable Agriculture and Diversified Livelihoods (SADL) is funded by the Azim Premji Philanthropic Initiatives.

Verdentum at the 1st UNHABITAT General Assembly in Nairobi
Verdentum's Head of Technology, Praveen Kuruganti, shares insights at the 1st UNHabitat General Assembly in Kenya.
Meeting African Development Bank President, Akinwumi Adesina
Verdentum's Founder meets with Dr. Akinwumi Adesina, President of the African Development Bank Group and discusses Verdentum's work in the agriculture and development sectors.

In conversation with UNESCO
UNESCO publishes a conversation with Verdentum's Founder about the role of technology in impact measurement.

Verdentum & the Queen's Commonwealth Essay Competition
Verdentum's platform was used to help volunteers track efforts to spread awareness about the Queen's Commonwealth Essay Competition. A snippet on Verdentum was published in a pamphlet provided during the Awards Ceremony at Buckingham Palace.

Verdentum at the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM2018)
Verdentum's Founder is invited to attend the Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting and has the privilege of speaking briefly with HRH Prince William about Verdentum's work.

Verdentum at Harvard Law School
Rohit spoke with students at Harvard Law School about Verdentum's work and policy challenges.

Supporting a global disability rights campaign
Verdentum partners with the CYC (Commonwealth Youth Council). The CYC used Verdentum platform to launch, coordinate and track impact on the "I AM ABLE" campaign, an 18 month campaign for youth with disabilities. The initiative is an attempt to address the marginalization and discriminaton of people with disabilities in Commonwealth countries and thus contribute towards more inclusive societies. Through the app volunteers from around the world were able to upload data, measure impact, and share experiences.

International Blockchain Congress
Verdentum's work was shared at the International Blockchain Congress, a conference on blockchain technology hosted by the Government of Telangana and Govt. of Goa.

UNGA 2018
Verdentum met with its partners, clients and collaborators to learn more about new initiatives within the development space at the UNGA 73. The UNGA session allowed for interaction with global leaders and participation in sessions related to technology and the application of technology to address global problems.

Commonwealth Ministers Meeting, Malta
Verdentum technology was presented at the Commonwealth Youth Ministers meeting in Malta. The meeting provided an opportunity to share updates on technology and discuss ways of improving efficiency on projects that address issues ranging from unemployment to mental health and drug abuse.
Meeting with the President of Rotary International
Verdentum's founder meets with the President of Rotary International, Barry Rassin, to discuss Verdentum's work and the role of technology in the volunteering space.

Meeting HRH Prince Charles and HRH The Duchess of Cornwall at the Commonwealth Secretariat
Verdentum's Founder was invited to attend events related to Commonwealth Day at the Commonwealth Secretariat in London.
Expanding pro-bono efforts
Verdentum expands its pro-bono efforts to provide more small and medium sized organizations with technology to improve efficiency and processes. Verdentum selects its first pro-bono grantee, the Nilgiri Adivasi Welfare Association, an organization working towards improved livelihoods and healthcare for Adivasi/indigenous communities affected by sickle cell disease in the Nilgiri Hills.

AF Ecology
Field work kicks-off in 2nd most drought prone region of India
The Accion Fraterna Ecology Center in Anantapur starts using the Verdentum app to coordinate and collect data from over 30,000 rural and underprivileged farmers for over 70 activities ranging from the distribution of aid to lining clay water storage pits with cement. With the app they were able to solve the problem of delayed transfer of information from the farm to the main offices and concentrate on uplifting farmers.
Speaking at the Points of Light advisory board meeting
Rohit speaks on a panel at the Points of Light advisory board meeting. The panel discussed innovation and technology in the volunteering/social development space. Rohit met former US President George H.W. Bush and First Lady Barbara Bush, who established Points of Light, as well as Neil Bush, who now chairs the organization.

Speaking at the OECD
The OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) invited Verdentum's Founder to share his thoughts at OECD Headquarters in Paris during a meeting with various country representatives. List of representatives can be found here:
Prior to 2017
Initial pilot with the United Nations Academic Impact
Verdentum launches a global pilot with the United Nations Academic Impact. Students in Hyderabad connected with students at a school in Northeast India and with a school in Europe to discuss important global issues and strategies on how they can work together to solve problems.

Verdentum at the UN General Assembly
Meeting Alibaba Founder, Jack Ma at a UN Women high level breakfast during the UNGA.
Verdentum at Columbia University
Verdentum's Founder was invited to speak to students and faculty at Columbia's School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA). His talk was focused on social networks and the role of technology in international development. Link to Columbia University: https://bit.ly/2WqAJmu

Presenting Verdentum at the United Nations
Rohit spoke to an audience of over 500, including diplomats, teachers and Fulbright scholars about Verdentum, the role of technology in measuring impact and the importance of committing to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Rohit was introduced by Ramu Damodaran, Deputy Director at the United Nations DPI and former secretary to Prime Minister of India, PV Narasimha Rao.
Verdentum at MIT
Verdentum's founder was invited to share Verdentum's work with students at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sloan School of Management.

Meeting with Amnesty's CEO
Rohit meets with the Secretary General of Amnesty, Salil Shetty to discuss Verdentum's work and the role of technology in human rights.